With daylight savings robbing us of an hour’s sleep in the short term and gifting us an hour more sunlight in the long term, it’s time to bid a tearful farewell to wintry climes. For some, those might be tears of joy, but there are also many reasons to feel real sadness at the passing of the year’s coldest season. Nonsense! I hear you say? Read on to learn why winter trumps summer every day of the week.

Snow days!

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Do you remember the euphoria of learning school was cancelled due to snow? That childish delight only becomes more refined when you grow up – escaping work is a million times better than escaping the classroom. Leisure time you didn’t expect to have counts for double, everyone knows that.

Coming in from the cold

Coming in from heat might feel refreshing at first, as the cool breeze of the air conditioning caresses your baking skin. However, soon enough, your accumulated sweat will freeze to your body in a sheen of sticky discomfort. There are no such pitfalls with coming in from the cold. As warmth spreads through your limbs and into your extremities, you will be filled with a new-found joie-de-vivre.

Hot drinks

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Nothing revitalizes you quite like the first sip of a hot beverage after a prolonged period out in Baltic temperatures. Cocoa? Cappuccino? Tea? Hot toddy? Weirdly delicious Oreo creation? Whatever your tipple of choice, a warming beverage is one of the highlights of the winter season which just doesn’t quite carry the same punch in summer.

Fireside naps

Going hand-in-hand with a heated beverage is a good book by the fireside. Inevitably, reading in a warm and cosy environment will lead to catching an unexpected forty winks… and such afternoon snoozes are one of winter’s truest pleasures. Again, the blazing sunshine of summer just doesn’t offer the same allure.


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Ever heard of skiing in the summer? Of course not! Winter sports are so popular they have their own Olympics, and skiing and snowboarding are two of the most popular pastimes of those who live in the snow. Though artificial slopes do exist for summertime escapes, they just aren’t the same.


There’s no better excuse for snuggling up to that someone special than sub-zero temperatures. Whiling away Sunday mornings under the covers watching a movie marathon is a fantastic way to embrace winter without getting snow on your clothes.


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In summer, the sun rises at a ridiculous hour. No-one in their right mind is up at the crack of dawn during summer months, especially when the sun sticks around for so long all day. In the winter, on the other hand, you can roll out of bed at the sensible hour of 7AM and still be greeted with a pastel infusion of beautiful colors. Not too shabby.


The elephant in the room is everyone’s favorite holiday of the year. Indeed, the whole week encompassing Christmas and New Year is one long decadent splurge of snooze buttons, sherries and more chocolate than you can shake a stick at. The real reason why winter trumps summer is a time for family, friends and excessive feeding. Tis’ the season, after all!

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