About Time You Learned: How to Cook the Perfect Goose by Adam ByattBy Angelica Malin
With its rich, dark and succulent flesh, not to mention the salty, crisp-as-a-cracker golden skin, the rich liver for practically instant pâté, stock with a uniquely velvety quality and meaty scraps to underpin a New Year cassoulet, it’s surprising that goose is often overlooked in favour of its poultry cousins as the main event on our Christmas tables.
Yet Michelin-star Chef Adam Byatt is here to tell us why this ‘cracking bird’ makes for a spectacular and delicious centrepiece dish, along with some handy tips for making the goose’s preparation and cooking process less daunting.
His top tips for making the preparation and cooking process less daunting, and more delicious, are as follows:
– Carve up the goose into its various components – remove the breasts and legs, or ask your butcher to.
– Confit the legs slowly.
– Make use of every part of it – use the fat to cook your roast potatoes, and use the offal in your stuffing.
With his prestigious culinary background and notorious talent and flair in the kitchen, Adam’s advice is not to be missed. Since it’s opening in 2006 his Clapham-based restaurant Trinity has won a coveted Michelin Star, ‘Time Out’ best new restaurant, the AA’s prestigious ‘London Restaurant of the year’ as well as holding three AA rosettes for 4 years, Trinity has been in listed the Times top 100 restaurants in the UK for the past two years.
Photo credit: Stuart Bailey