Healthy Living: Make The Most Of Al Fresco Dining This SummerBy amelia richards
With the sun due to rear its head again next week, al fresco dining is where it’s at. Whether socially distancing in the garden or picnicking in the park, health is a priority right now. With that in mind, we spoke to nutritionist Georgine Leung from awesome new brand Kurami.
Read on for Georgine’s top five tips for nutritious al fresco dining this summer:
1. Revive The Ancient Grains
Ancient grains are your new best friend. From quinoa, teff, and bulgar to buckwheat and sorghum. Not only are they gluten-free and high in dietary fibre to keep you feeling full for longer, but these grains offer new textures and flavours to liven up meals of any kind.
2. Go Green
Kurami is all about seasonal ingredients and there are plenty of delicious seasonal greens out there packed with nutrients. For summer salads and alfresco evening meals, try cucumber, kale, cavolo nero and spring greens. A quick tip to soften the leaves is to drizzle with oil and microwave for a minute or two.

3. Include Some Fish
It is recommended that we eat at least two portions of fish each week, one of which should be oily. Fish is a great source of protein and micronutrients, and oily fish in particular provides the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids important for heart health. If short, fresh options, frozen or canned also count.
4.Follow The Flavour
Herbs and spices are key to adding a twist to your summer salads and tray-bakes. Fresh mint and parsley are great as a garnish or delicious added to both cold and warm dishes.Spices such as turmeric and ginger also have bioactive anti-inflammatory properties and are excellent at keeping the salt content down.
5.Liven Up Your Liquids
We lose more water in warm weather, so it’s vital to stay hydrated during the summer months. To liven up your H20 intake, you can add a host of natural ingredients that impart delicious flavours – without the added sugar. Think ginger, lemongrass and chopped fruit. These are perfect to infuse over ice in a pitcher or experiment and try serving these up in a jam jar.
Launched this year, Kurami is an entirely unique meal plan service delivering nutritious and gut healthy meals across London. Guided by Georgine’s wealth of knowledge and experience in food nutrition, Kurami’s delicious and inventive menus fuse ancient ingredients with ground-breaking superfoods through tailored meal programmes harnessing the medicinal power of food.
If you’re loving al fresco dining as much as we are right now then don’t mis our guide to the best BBQ kits to spice up your summer.