I think “startling” would sum up the kind of jewellery we might be now expected to wear. Gone are the designs for traditional adornment. This jewellery is very different, not for the introverted, the older woman or to avoid the blushes of  waiters, fellow diners or theatre goers. Thus jewellery shocks. The highlight is the work of Xinyu Wang (whose work is featured in this article) – for her shocking, tradition defying creations.


There is a range of jewellery to adorn a naked breast with either gold or pearls encircling the breast and a pearl seemingly dangling off the nipple. This adornment isn’t for ladies of a certain age because the pull of gravity obscures the pearls.


From designer Charlotte Atherson comes angular jewellery to be worn at the back rather than the front of the neck potentially taking an eye out if you turned round too quickly.


Gold jewellery in a thick band to encase a shaved head has an intriguingly serial killer appeal. Of course there was the standard fetish jewellery with leather and hair reminiscent of an Ann Summers catalogue. But most disturbingly of all – face jewellery where the face is encircled in an angular diamantĂ© cage – this would make air kissing “a must” and take snogging off the agenda.

Most jewellery in this degree show is quite head turning (unless you are wearing it yourself with the likelihood that your head is held in a brace) – I must say whenever the jewels became more wearable and less quirky, I found it more appealing. Check out the work of Selina Chen, Soohyun Jeong, Lifansze, Hoonik Chang and Constance Maure who designs beautifully wearable rings.


Pop along there yourself and see what you think. Too off the wall or just plain fun? If you decide on the latter double your insurance, Ladies as I have a feeling that this jewellery may have certain consequences.

Check out the weird, wacky and highly imaginative jewellery at the degree show at St Martin’s which opened last night and runs till 28th June at 1 Granary Square.