About Time: You Discovered Bernard Cohen at the TateBy Suzi Malin
Bernard Cohen has genius. His Tate Spotlight Display currently on view at Tate Britain until June 3rd 2018 and his exhibition with his son, Nathan currently at Flowers Gallery, London E2 confirms his standing as a leading British abstract artist of his time.
Driven by the need to know, at the age of 87, Bernard paints every day involved in the excitement of the question of surface and image, the relationship between structure and content. His paintings are very exciting but for him the excitement comes “when it goes out of control”. Bernard’s journey is fun, a joyful process that questions the importance of the flat surface with dazzling success. As a viewer the joy of that journey communicates as one stands quite in front of his wonderful paintings.
His inquiry is handed onto Nathan, who looks like a bigger version of Bernard with the same gentle manner. Nathan tackles the same questions of object and ground, the question of surface and the process that forms an image. The work by father and son complements each other in an exciting visual journey and is on at Flowers East until the 5th May, the solo exhibition Tate Britain till June. Don’t miss them!