Being the victim of a car accident in Dallas is stressful in and of itself. However, there is much more to worry about outside of the initial accident and the immediate effects of a collision. The aftermath of an auto accident, no matter how big or small, can compound matters and can open you up to a host of problems that can take a long time to deal with and overcome. From injury, loss of life, to loss of mobility, property damage, to lost wages, medical bills to mental recovery, there are many things that can come about after you are in a car accident.

Some accidents are truly unavoidable and caused by situations and circumstances truly beyond the control of any driver involved. However, many accidents to could avoided or at least greatly reduced in severity if some simple action had been taken right before the accident. Knowing what some of the common causes for auto accidents are can help drivers, like yourself, be more mindful and aware when in those kinds of driving situations. To that end, here is a list of 20 of the top causes of car accidents.

  1. Driving When Distracted

Without a doubt, the single greatest threat to anyone on the roads at any time is the distracted driver. A distracted driver is anyone who is not giving their driving and the current conditions around them their full attention. They may focus on passengers, changing the radio station, talking on the phone, sending a text, or doing anything that takes their attention off of their driving. It is surprising it is the experienced driver who often feels confident in their ability to multitask and therefor becomes distracted. Do not let this happen- make sure you are always focused while driving.

  1. Speeding

Another common sight on the road today unfortunately is speeding. Many people have stories of drivers coming up and flying past them at speeds much higher than the legal speed limit. It is not unusual to encounter drivers who will be traveling as much as 20 miles over the legal speed limit just to get to where they are going. This is especially true on major highways and long stretches of roadway. It is important to remember that the faster someone drives the more time and distance it takes to bring the car to a full stop. Reaction time is also shortened when speeding so you will not be able to stop in time.

  1. Drunk Driving

We all know it is wrong and illegal to drink and then get behind the wheel of a car. We have seen the ads and many of us have likely lost someone to a drunk driver or been hit by one ourselves. Any person who drinks, doesn’t make the smart choice, and decides to drive is a risk to anyone on the road. When you are drink, even if just slightly buzzed, you act and respond different than when you are sober. You will not be in control, your reaction time will be slowed, and you will most likely end up causing an accident. Find someone who is sober take you home or call for a ride- never drink and drive.

  1. Reckless Driving

There are many actions that can fall under the umbrella of reckless driving. Things like weaving through traffic at very high speeds, driving in the wrong lanes, and being overall careless behind the wheel all count as recklessness. If you see anyone acting like this while you are driving, do not try to outpace them or move around them. Simply slow down and out enough distance between that you can react, should something happen. You cannot make drivers stay behind the wheel, so when you are near a reckless driver you should protect yourself and distance yourself from them.

  1. Rain and Snow

Water on the road, whether liquid or frozen, can quickly create dangerous circumstances for drivers. Rain makes it difficult for your tires to grip the road. And ice and snow can create slipper patches that are hard to see. Even if the tires are assumed to be in good shape and have good traction, chances are they are not going to react as well as you think. Never speed or drive recklessly when snow and rain water fill the road. Sliding and hydroplaning are common when drivers slam on the brakes in slippery conditions, and this can lead to spinouts, crashes, and major chain reactions on the road.

  1. Blowing Intersections

Running redlights and blowing through stop signs are also major reasons for car accidents in Dallas. Red means stop, it is law, and it is not just a suggestion you can choose to ignore. When the light turns yellow it means slow down, not speed up to try and ‘make it’ before it turns red. Don’t run through signals and blow past stop signs, especially in neighborhoods and areas where it ‘seems’ like a waste to stop. Always slow down and stop for red lights. Fully stop at a stop sign and check for other cars. A few extra seconds to wait is far better than risking your life or the life of someone else.

  1. Teenagers

It might seem a little harsh and maybe even cruel to list an entire population on this list, but it is an unfortunately fact. Teenage drivers, in general, are seen as s driving risk because of one simple reason- they are inexperienced. A teen is learning to drive for the first time and does not know all the safety protocol and how to react in the event of an emergency on the road. Teenagers cause accidents of varying severity every single day and this is due in part to their immaturity and also their inexperience. Give them space on the road and when around a teen be sure to demonstrate safe driving,

  1. Night Driving

Many people are surprised to learn that simply driving once the sun goes down can increase the risk of an auto accident can almost double over the same situation in the daytime. It can be challenging to see in the dim conditions even with good headlights. When lights are not bright enough, or in some cases to bright when coming head on from the opposite direction, it can be very difficult to see and react. Night driving often comes with drowsiness and for those individuals with night blindness, it is much harder to drive in the dark. Extra caution should always be used when driving after sunset.

  1. Design and Manufacture Defects

Anyone who has been driving for more than 10 years or so can likely tell stories of vehicles that were more prone to accidents. From flipping over to stalling suddenly to issues with tires, engines, and brakes, there are many accidents caused by poor vehicle designs and parts. Many manufacturers have made vehicles over the years that were good on paper and in certain conditions, but proved to be dangerous when driven at higher speeds or for long distances. These are often not caught during routine tests of the new designs. Checking for known issues with your vehicle is an important step in staying safe while on the road driving.

  1. Reckless Lane Changes

Chances are, mot people have been around drivers who don’t seem to know how to change lanes. Last minute changes, weaving back and forth, seemingly no desire to wait two minutes to pass someone safely. It really is a simple concept- don’t change lanes or try to pass if you do not have enough room and time to do so safely. Pay close attention all sides and check multiple times around your vehicle before you decide you are going to scootch over into another lane of traffic. Also, make sure to use your blinkers and give enough advanced warning so other drivers can see, recognize and prepare for your lane change.

  1. Wrong-Way Driving

When driving, especially in a new area, it can be easy to get lost and turned around and end up heading down the wrong street. But driving the wrong way on a road is almost always a recipe for disaster. Pay attention and watch for signs indicating traffic flow, turns, and one-way roads. Check before making turns and when using on and off ramps to ensure you are following the flow of traffic correctly. And if you do end up going the wrong way, pull over and get off the road as soon as possible. Wrong-way drivers pose a threat because most people are not expecting them and cannot react in time to avoid a collision.

  1. Improper Turns

It is annoying to miss a turn when trying to get from one place to another. However, you should not try to cross over additional lanes of traffic and never stop and try to eave around cars and make a turn you are not in the correct lane for. Just drive as you are supposed to and find another way to make your turn. You can always drive a little out of the way, turn at another light, turn around somewheret, or just get there some other way. All of these options are much safer than cutting across lanes and making a risky turn that puts yourself and everyone around you at risk.

  1. Tailgating

A major pet peeve for people everywhere, tailgating is a form of aggressive driving that often leads to accidents. Some are minor like a simple fender bender but it can result in major and even deadly Dallas, TX accidents in some cases. Tailgating is when a car follows close behind another car, nearly on their bumper. The risk comes from the nearly impossible need to stop instantaneously should the car in front need to stop quickly for some reason. When tailgating happens at higher speeds, it can result in deadly accidents that could 100% have been avoided otherwise.

  1. Road Rage

Driving can be a liberating and freeing experience for some people the act of driving becomes very stressful and nerve-wracking. Small inconveniences add up and can add to the stress and adrenaline, When this gets too extreme and drivers do not know how to deal with it, it can lead to a condition known as road rage. Essentially extremely aggressive driving road rage is responsible for many reckless and careless choices that end up casing a large number of severe and deadly car accidents each year. The best way to protect against a driver with road rage is to let them pass and not engage them.

  1. Drowsy Driving

If road rage is like driving while amped up on caffeine, drowsy driving is the exact opposite. As the name implies this dangerous driving occurs when the driver is very tired and at risk for possibly or actually falling asleep while behind the wheel. More and more people are struggling with drowsy driving due to long hours, hard work and school schedules and longer commutes to and from work and school. Getting sleep and avoiding driving when groggy is the best way to avoid this risky driving behavior. It is better to pull over for a quick nap or call for a ride than to drive when drowsy.

  1. Bad Road Conditions

While weather can affect the conditions of the road, there are other things that can create poor road conditions that are a little more obvious at times. Things like road construction, pot holes, uneven lanes, broken asphalt, and similar wear and tear issues can lead to unsafe driving conditions. Even in clear weather and otherwise good driving conditions, these things can quickly add up to create hazardous driving conditions. If you find yourself on a road that is so bad it is difficult to drive on, find another route if possible and use extreme caution and slow down till things improve.

  1. Foggy Conditions

Like rain and snow and other weather related conditions, fog can become a major driving hazard, especially when combined with other les than safe driving practices and behaviors. Thick fog makes it very hard to see and cam cause accidents when drivers are speeding and cannot stop in time when they do not see a car ahead of them come to a stop. Additionally, foggy conditions can also affect lighting and how headlights respond and make driving even more tedious. In foggy conditions, go slow and be sure to leave more space than normal between yourself and other vehicles.

  1. Vehicle Failure

Along with bad designs that make a vehicle more susceptible to driving issues and accidents, sometimes and unexpected failure of a key component can lead to an accident. The most dramatic of these examples include brake failure and fires.  Other issues include engine failures, overheating, tire issues, and other mechanical and structural failures while the car is in motion and being used. Checking for official recalls and notifications about known issues is the best way to protect yourself against these kinds of random vehicle failures.

  1. Poor Reaction Time

Sometimes drivers are simply at fault due to their decisions and how they respond when issues arise. Poor reaction time is a leading cause of accidents that are not directly related to any deliberate or obvious lapse of judgement. Not braking soon enough swerving the wrong way in a split-second decision, and similar errors are some common examples of poor reaction time that can lead to auto accidents in Dalla, Tx. This is why it is so important to stay alert and be ready to react when something happens. You have to make a decision in a second or less and delays can lead to accidents.

  1. Driving While High

Closely related to another entry on this list, driving while high or under the influence of any other drug, is a big reason for auto accidents today. Just as with drinking and driving, when you drive high or affected by other drugs and substances, it greatly impacts your ability to respond and deal with issues that come up. Whether you are amped up or mellowed out, you are not driving as you normally would, and this puts you and everyone around you at risk for severe injuries or even death in the event of an auto accident. You wouldn’t drive drink, so don’t drive high either.

Final Thoughts and Legal Assistance

Many accidents can be avoided with the right care and with smart decision-making processes. However, not all can be avoided. Things like drunk driving, aggressive or reckless driving, tailgating and speeding, for example, are solely at the driver’s discretion. Weather and road conditions can also be unexpectedly involved with auto Dallas, TX accident occurrences as well. If you or a loved one have been in an auto accident, and have questions about how to get compensation for your injuries, legal experts are waiting to lend a helping hand!